With the Support Program for the Evaluation of Teaching Activities (DOCENTIA), the Foundation aims to meet the demands of universities and the need for the education system to have a model and procedures to guarantee the quality of university teaching staff and promote its development and recognition.

This Program is designed in such a way that, within the autonomy of the universities, it guides their actions while promotes the increasingly important role that universities must play in the assessment of teaching activity and the development of teacher training plans.

The Program, which is national in scope, has the participation of more than 80% of Spanish universities and has become a benchmark of quality recognized by other programs such as ACADEMIA or AUDIT.

DOCENTIA also takes as a reference the recommendations for quality assurance in Higher Education institutions developed by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), in its document Criteria and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area. Among these criteria and guidelines stands out 1.4., Quality Assurance of Teaching Personnel, which establishes that institutions must equip themselves with the means to ensure that their teaching staff is qualified and competent for teaching.