Procedures of the Network of Laboratories and Infrastructures


  • Manual - Course on Quality Management in Testing Laboratories
    • Source: Network of Laboratories - CONICET
    • Language: Spanish
    • Size: 7.57 Mb
    • Document: Gest_Calidad_Ensayo.pdf
  • Course on Quality Management in Research (2012)
    • Source: Network of Laboratories
    • Language: Spanish
    • Size: 9.38 Mb
    • Document: Calidad_en_Invest_2012.pdf
  • Course on Quality Systems in Testing and Calibration Laboratories (2013)
    • Source: Network of Laboratories
    • Language: Spanish
    • Size: 9.5 Mb
    • Document: Gest_Calidad_Laboratorio_2013.pdf
  • ISO 9001 course applied to laboratories and public research centers (2013)
    • Source: Network of Laboratories
    • Language: Spanish
    • Size: 10.1 Mb
    • Document: Curso_9001-2013.pdf
  • Course on Quality Audits in Laboratories (2013).
    • Source: Network of Laboratories
    • Language: Spanish
    • Size: 1.7 Mb
    • Document: Auditorias_de_Calidad_2013.pdf
  • Course on Calculating Uncertainty in Test Methods
    • Source: Network of Laboratories
    • Language: Spanish
    • Size: 13.5 Mb
    • Document: Incertidumbre_2012.pdf

Relevant documents

  • Laboratories Network Catalog
    • Source: madri+d
    • Language: Spanish
    • Size: 4.76 Mb
    • Document: catalogo.pdf
  • General Meeting of the Laboratories Network 2013
    • Source: madri+d
    • Language: Spanish
    • Size: 12.9 Mb
    • Document: Reunion_General_Red_de_Laboratorios-20_junio_2013.pdf
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Source: Network of Laboratories
    • Language: Spanish
    • Size: 80 Kb
    • Document: Frequently Asked Questions
  • Laboratories Network Plan
    • Source: Network of Laboratories
    • Language: Spanish
    • Size: 247 Kb
    • Document: Plan_de_la_Red_de_Laboratorios_2004_V01.pdf

Procedures of the Network of Laboratories and Infrastructures

  • Admission and entry into the Network of Laboratories and Infrastructures
    • Source: Network of Laboratories and Infrastructures
    • Language: Spanish
    • Size: 577 Kb
    • Document: Procedimiento Laboratorios
  • Issuance and Control of Membership Certificates
    • Source: Network of Laboratories
    • Language: Spanish
    • Size: 360 Kb
    • Document: Certificados Pertenencia.pdf
  • Using the Network of Laboratories Image
    • Source: Network of Laboratories
    • Language: Spanish
    • Size: 43 Kb
    • Document: Logotipo Red de Laboratorios.pdf