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PlazaScience is the first world map of scientific institutions built by students, teachers, researchers and citizens interested in scientific activities. A place to explore and discover, to study and work in the science world. It is a collaborative project, which aims is to create a digital world map of knowledge sites through photo where participants will meet others users with the same interests, taking part of a network around places where researchers develop their work.

Map of Scientific Madrid 1900

Madrid: Science and City in the early 20th century

On a map of Madrid of 1901 (Leipzig: Wagner & Debes) are located more than 50 institutions and laboratories active in Madrid at the turn of the 19th to 20th century. Each of them offers a brief description and a selection of photographs, both historical and recent, of the building and its surroundings.

Dónde estamos

Dónde estamos

Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d
C/ Maestro Ángel Llorca, 6- 3ª planta
28003 Madrid
Teléfono: +34 91 781 6570
Contacte con nosotros a través de este formulario.



Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Informes de Seguimiento de Títulos 2018


Consorcio Madroño

Consorcio Madroño

Repositorio independiente: emi+d 

emi+d, es un repositorio gestionando conjuntamente por la Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte de la Comunidad de Madrid y el Consorcio Madroño, con el fin de ayudar a cumplir a las instituciones que no tienen repositorio institucional con el mandato de la Comunidad de Madrid, que establece que los investigadores beneficiarios de programas de investigación pública deberán facilitar el acceso abierto a los resultados