Other museums and collections

Other museums and collections

Colección Didáctica 'Gómez Pamo' de Farmacognosia. UCM

Colección Didáctica 'Gómez Pamo' de Farmacognosia. UCM


Conjunto de dibujos sobre cartón y tela plástica, realizados por el doctor Juan Ramón Gómez Pamo (1846-1913) y utilizados para la enseñanza de la materia farmacéutica vegetal durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX; representan cortes vegetales.


Museo 'Torres Quevedo' UPM

Museo 'Torres Quevedo' UPM


Colección de máquinas e ingenios diseñados y producidos por el ingeniero Leonardo Torres Quevedo (1852-1936), entre los que destacan el 'jugador de ajedrez' y el 'telekino'. Estas máquinas figuran entre los precedentes del cálculo numérico, el control remoto y la telemática.


Active framework of Madrid teaching innovation resources

Active framework of Madrid teaching innovation resources

The map presented here is an interactive guide to spaces and institutions in Madrid for complementary educational activities in secondary education and vocational training. The map is a key educational innovation tool that broadens and complements classroom education in order to promote more active, participatory and dynamic teaching.

Advisory Council on University Quality in the Community of Madrid

Advisory Council on University Quality in the Community of Madrid

The Advisory Council on University Quality in the Region of Madrid is an organ of the Foundation that facilitates the exchange of opinions between the Foundation and all Madrid universities on the processes that govern the evaluation processes. Formally, its functions are: