Finding true north for networking research

The past, present and future of networking research has been the focus of debate for an international panel of experts brought together by the 11th Annual IMDEA Networks Workshop*,

Business mentor madri+d, a European reference for Mentoring for Startups

More and more professionals and entrepreneurs with experience and cases of success and failure contribute their knowledge and contacts to startups, through mentoring. European experts on innovation and Technology Transfer of the EEN Network give their opinion on the importance of Quality Mentoring and of certifying the necessary competences

Nuevo método para evaluar la calidad de las noticias científicas

Investigadores de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra y la Escuela Politécnica Federal de Lausana (Suiza) han desarrollado SciLens, un método de evaluación de la calidad de las noticias científicas analizando su relación con la literatura científica y las reacciones que generan en las redes sociales