Indicadores UE e Internacionales de Ciencia y Tecnología

La existencia de organismos públicos y privados que ofrecen información referida a las actividades de ciencia y tecnología a escala supraestatal, hace conveniente incluir una sección que permita consultar y comparar fácilmente diferentes datos e información internacional, especialmente del ámbito europeo.

Debido a la cantidad de información disponible y a la frecuencia con que estos datos cambian y son modificados por los organismos, se recurre a una selección de las principales fuentes procurando su actualización.

En este caso, las fuentes estadísticas a manejar proceden de organismos oficiales internacionales como la OCDE, EUROSTAT, y CORDIS, que aportan datos sobre la participación española en los programas internacionales de I+D y se ofrecen comparaciones de España y, en su caso regiones, con los otros países de la Unión Europea, con los pertenecientes a la OCDE y con los de América Latina.

European Innovation Scoreboard 2016

The European Innovation Scoreboard – previously Innovation Union Scoreboard – provides a comparative analysis of innovation performance in EU Member States, other European countries, and regional neighbours. It assesses relative strengths and weaknesses of national innovation systems and helps countries identify areas they need to address. 

Concerning  2016, the EU is continuing to catch up with global innovation leaders. But innovation is still held back by low business investment and restrictive framework conditions, notably affecting SMEs.Sweden is once more the EU innovation leader, followed by Denmark, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands. The fastest growing innovators are Latvia, Malta, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the UK.

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Regional Innovation Scoreboard (RIS) 2016

The Regional Innovation Scoreboard is a regional extension of the European Innovation Scoreboard, assessing the innovation performance of European regions on a limited number of indicators. The RIS 2016 covers 214 regions across 22 EU countries and Norway. In addition, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Malta are included at country level.

The most innovative regions are located in the most innovative countries, although regional innovative hubs exist in moderate innovator countries: Piemonte and Friuli-Venezia Giulia in Italy, País Vasco in Spain and Bratislavský kraj in Slovakia.

Specialisation in Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) increases regional innovation performance.

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European Researh Area. Facts and Figures 2014

The Commission has developed the European Research Area -ERA- Monitoring Mechanism (EMM) with the objective of assessing progress in the compliance of ERA at three different but interrelated levels: national and regional policies, funders and research-performing organisations (RPOs).

This report presents progress observed in Member States in terms of adoption of measures in support of ERA. In collaboration with Member States and some Associated Countries, the Commission identified new measures and updated the contents of last year's state of play. It also presents - for the first time and based on results from the ERA survey 2014 - the state of play in terms of support provided by funders (RFOs) for the adoption of ERA measures as well as the implementation of ERA in the different research-performing organisations (RPO).

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OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2015.

The OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2015 draws on the latest internationally comparable data to uncover the strengths of OECD and other leading economies and explore the continuing challenges to overcome the effects of the recent financial and economic crises. It features indicators traditionally used to monitor developments in science, technology, innovation and industry, and complements them with new and experimental indicators that provide new insights into areas of policy interest.
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Science, technology and innovation in Europe Pocketbooks. 2013 edition

This pocketbook gives an overview of science, technology and innovation (STI) statistics. All the statistical data and indicators are based on sources available at Eurostat. Only the most relevant indicators have been selected so as to give an overall statistical picture of science, technology and innovation in Europe and of where the EU stands in relation to its partners.
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Horizonte 2020

Horizonte 2020 sustituye en el periodo 2014-2020 los antiguos Programas Marco de Investigación de la Unión Europea. La abundante información existente está disponible en la página web se selecciona en esta página el resumen HORIZON 2020 in brief de marzo de 2014.
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