Enterprise Europe Network presents SME Growth Outlook for 2018-19 at Web Summit

Enterprise Europe Network presents SME Growth Outlook for 2018-19 at Web Summit

The Enterprise Europe Network is at this year’s Web Summit, Europe’s largest technology marketplace, to showcase real-life examples of how its services benefit innovative European businesses.

The Enterprise Europe Network presents the SME Growth Outlook 2018-19 at the Web Summit in Portugal on 5 November.

Based on survey data from businesses using the Network's services, the report provides insight into how SMEs across Europe view growth in terms of turnover, workforce, market share, prospects for international expansion, and innovation.

According to the latest report, in the coming year:

  • 63% of SMEs who internationalise expect to increase their turnover,
  • 33% expect to create jobs, and
  • 54% expect to increase their market share.


The Enterprise Europe Network is at this year’s Web Summit, Europe’s largest technology marketplace, to showcase real-life examples of how its services benefit innovative European businesses. 

Alongside Network business advisers, five of the 230,000 European businesses that have benefited directly from the Network’s services are joining the conversation at the Web Summit. This year’s delegation of Enterprise Europe Network SME ambassadors comprises:

  • TAWNY – developing emotionally intelligent software (Germany)
  • Engidi – innovating workplace safety (Spain)
  • OiOi – creating interactive installations using the latest digital technology (Finland)
  • Ledger – operating in the cryptocurrency sector (France)
  • Vision-Box – pioneering smart biometric ID technology (Portugal)

Included in the Network’s SME Growth Outlook is country-specific data for Germany, Spain, Finland, France and Portugal. In the coming year:

  • 56% (DE), 61% (ES), 71% (FI), 56% (FR) and 69% (PT) of SMEs who internationalise expect to increase their turnover
  • 30% (DE), 36% (ES), 42% (FI), 34% (FR) and 31% (PT) of SMEs expect to create jobs
  • 46% (DE), 54% (ES), 68% (FI), 48% (FR) and 70% (PT) of SMEs expect to increase their market share


Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, the Enterprise Europe Network brings together around 600 business support organisations from more than 60 countries.

Together, they offer small businesses support, advice and technical help to nurture their international ambitions, find business partners at home and abroad, and access funding and finance.

The Network was launched by the European Commission in 2008. Over the past 10 years, the Network supported over 2 million SMEs across Europe, providing information services and training sessions.

Over 415,000 SMEs received advice to innovate and grow internationally, over 230,000 SMEs participated in brokerage events held by the Network and over 9,500 SMEs benefitted from tailored innovation support packages.

Learn more:

Download the full SME Growth Outlook report, top insights and country data. 

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