22 Spanish water research centers join forces

22 Spanish water research centers join forces

The directors of 22 Spanish water research centers met recently at the University of Barcelona with the aim of exchanging information about their research areas and ongoing projects, as well as to detect synergies in the face of the constitution of a large scientific network on water issues.

The Water Research Institute (IdRA) of the aforementioned university acted as host of the meeting, which has been held for the first time in Spain. IMDEA Water was represented among those 22 centers.

After the exchange of information, It became clear the variety of topics addressed by the research centers, hence the multidisciplinary nature of the majority; the international research capacity, as well as the training, knowledge transfer and dissemination aspects that many of them have. Among the most mentioned issues presented were the sustainable management of water resources, the microbiological quality of water, hydraulic aspects, the integral water cycle in cities, research on water in agriculture, health of the marine system, as well as the role of water in the planning of the territory.

It was agreed to work on the identification of common objectives and lines of interest, to constitute a thematic and public advice network, and also hold a second meeting in 2019 in Valencia organized by the Institute for Research in Water and Environmental Engineering (IIAMA), from the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

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