IMDEA Alimentación | Nutrition of the Future. Nutritional genomics and microbiome

Places availables


Viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2023. Turno 1: 9.00h a 11.00h; Turno 2: 11.00h a 13.00h; Turno 3: 13.00h a 15.00h

Instituto IMDEA Alimentación. Carretera de Canto Blanco, 8. 28049 Madrid


The activity will take the form of a two-hour guided tour of the institute, with talks, practical workshops, games, and a photographic exhibition that will allow us to learn more about the food of the future and the importance of nutritional genomics and the microbiota for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as obesity, cancer, cardiometabolic diseases and those related to ageing. During the visit, we will discuss interesting topics such as the health effects of accidental consumption of nanoplastics, why we do not all get fat in the same way, the relationship between the microbiota of each person and their propensity to obesity, how different bioactive compounds can be used in complementary treatments for cancer patients or about the metabolic reprogramming of cells for the development of therapies against cancer and ageing. Come and join us!

Reservation required
starting septembre 13 at 09:00
