UC3M | Discovering unknown patterns in turbulence: secrets behind the data

Places availables


Viernes 27 de septiembre de 2024, de 19:00h a 20:00h.

Aula -1.A.01 del Campus de Madrid-Puerta de Toledo de la UC3M. Ronda de Toledo, 1, 28005, Madrid.


Join us for a presentation on how to discover hidden patterns in data. We will explore how they hide complicated structures using manifold learning, a method that reveals the underlying structures within complex data sets. We will begin with a brief introduction to these techniques, including definitions and real-life examples of manifolds. We will then discover how this knowledge can be applied to practical scenarios, such as the identification of similar faces in facial recognition or dimensionality reduction for visualization of complex and chaotic turbulent flows. In addition, we will test simple codes applied to interesting data so that participants can see first-hand how these techniques work. This session promises to show the hidden potential of data and introduce techniques to reveal its secrets. This activity is developed in the framework of EXCALIBUR, a project co-funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities from the State Research Agency and the European Research Council from the ERDF program A way of making Europe (Grant No PID2022-138314NB-I00; MCIU/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033). More information: https://researchportal.uc3m.es/display/act560548

starting septembre 16 at 09:00
