The selected companies are housed in five technology centers, promoted by all Madrid public universities and some S&T centers, facilitating access to offices and laboratories:
- Montegancedo Business Center (UPM) in Pozuelo, west of Madrid.
Main sectors: ICT, engineering, construction, transportation, logistics, aerospace, agri-food, environment, software solutions, energy, chemistry, materials, automotive, automation, robotics.
- Móstoles Tecnológico (URJC) business incubator in Móstoles, southern Madrid. (URJC).
Main sectors: health, software solutions, energy, security, biology, telecommunications, education/social sciences, automotive, industry, environment.
Alcalá Desarrollo (UAH) in Alcalá de Henares, East of Madrid.
Main sectors: ICT, Engineering and Consulting, Energy and Environment and the Biosanitary sector.
The project headquarters is located in the madri+d Knowledge Foundation, in Madrid.