"Privacy Policy" of the madri+d Foundation Portal
The purpose of this "Privacy Policy" is to make known the General Conditions that govern the collection and processing of personal data through this Portal, owned by madri+d Foundation for Knowledge, www.madrimasd.org.
madri+d Foundation for Knowledge, as manager of part of the technological innovation programs of the Directorate General of Universities and Research -belonging to the Department of Education of the Community of Madrid-, informs, through this Privacy Policy, that the responsible for the file of all personal data collected through the Portal www.madrimasd.org is the Directorate General of Universities and Research, although both the creation, development and maintenance of the Portal is owned by madri+d Foundation for Knowledge.
Based on the foregoing and, in compliance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, its implementing regulations, RD 1720/2007, Law 8/2001 on the Protection of Data of the Community of Madrid and the Law on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce -Law 34/2002, of July 11-, these privacy conditions are established with the purpose that you, as users of madrimasd.org and madrimasd.es know, at all times, the privacy policy that will govern the collection and processing of personal data.
General Information and Purposes
We inform you that, in accordance with national legislation, LO 15/1999, on the Protection of Personal Data, its implementing regulation, RD 1720/2007 and the autonomic Law 8/2001, on the Protection of Personal Data of the Community of Madrid, the data collected through this Portal, will become part of the automated file madri+d, owned by the Directorate General of Universities and Research, belonging to the Department of Education of the Community of Madrid and duly notified to the Data Protection Agency of the Community of Madrid, with the purpose of informing in matters of science and technology, to main recipients such as: researchers, teachers, business people, entrepreneurs and other users. Similarly, in each of the services where personal data are collected, the affected party will be informed of the specific purpose.
We inform you that in order to exercise your rights regarding data protection, it will be necessary to follow the procedures specified by the regulations, for this purpose, you must send an application, either via postal mail or e-mail, which will include your signature, in addition to your personal identifying data -first name, surname and address for notification purposes-, the right you wish to exercise and the reason for it, providing a copy of the National Identity Document or Passport, through the following means:
- Postal Mail
Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación
Consejería de Educación Comunidad de Madrid
Calle Alcalá, 30 - 32
28014 Madrid
In the event that you wish to unsubscribe from any of the services we offer through this website, simply click on the "unsubscribe" link included in each of the communications sent to you. Likewise, you can unsubscribe from any of the services by sending an e-mail to contacto@madrimasd.org including in the "subject" the service from which you want to unsubscribe. Pe. Unsuscribe Notiweb. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Duration and Modification
In the case of you wish to unsubscribe from any of the services we offer you through this website, simply click on the "unsubscribe" link that is included in each of the communications sent to you. Likewise, you can unsubscribe from any of the services by sending an e-mail to contacto@madrimasd.org including the service you wish to unsubscribe from in the subject line. i.e. unsubscribe Notiweb. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The present General Conditions are valid for the duration of the exhibition. In this way, we recommend that each time users access the Website, they read them carefully. The General Conditions governing this privacy policy may be modified unilaterally, with respect to the collection and processing of your personal data, at any time, in whole or in part.
The modification will take effect from its publication on the Website, more specifically, from its insertion in the link "Privacy Policy". In the event of any discrepancy between what is established in these General Conditions and the Specific Conditions of each specific service, the latter shall prevail.
madri+d Foundation for Knowledge and the Directorate General of Universities and Research make available to the users of the Website the contact addresses - inserted in the Home Page and in the Legal Notice - so that they can at all times send us any doubts, questions or considerations they deem appropriate in relation to the policy set out in this text.