Enterprise Europe Network madri+d is a project co-financed by the European Commission, within the COSME program, which provides specialized professional assistance to companies and research groups in the Community of Madrid, offering technology transfer services, advice on innovation, internationalization and access to funding in R+D+i.
It has the participation of 8 partners from the Community of Madrid: CSIC, CEIM, Chamber of Commerce, PCM, AEDHE, AECIM and Madrid Network, together with the madrid+d Foundation, which acts as coordinator of the regional node.
Main activities:
- Identification and promotion of the scientific and technological offer of the Community of Madrid.
- Organization of the madri+d Forums and co-organization of Brokerage Events.
- Support in technology transfer processes.
- Mentoring and technical assistance to third countries.
- Participation in sectoral groups.
Web: www.een-madrid.es
Email: info@een-madrid.es
Bilateral and cooperation meetings
Apps, games and adtech
- Within the framework of MADRID MOBILE SUMMIT, November 14 and 15, 2017 at L@ NAVE
- More information and registration (www.b2match.eu/madridmobilesummit2017)
Education technologies
- Within the framework of SIMO EDUCACION 2017, October 26, 2017 at IFEMA
- Registration (www.b2match.eu/simoeducacion2017)
More information

Newsletter of the Enterprise Europe Network madri+d
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Search for partners
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