UC3M | Theater and Science: Challenges and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence

Places availables


Viernes 27 de septiembre de 2024 de 11h a 12:30h (función para centros de educación secundaria). Viernes 27 de septiembre de 2024 de 19h a 20:30h (función para público general).

Auditorio de la UC3M. Campus de Leganés. C/ de Butarque, 15, 28911, Leganés.


A popular science show on various aspects related to Artificial Intelligence, such as the legal challenges of deepfakes or their use in areas as diverse as intelligent cars, cybersecurity, aeronautics and climate science or telecommunications of the future. This event alternates scenes from a play with talks by UC3M research staff on scientific projects funded by the European Union. Morning session aimed at Secondary Schools. Free reservation: through an electronic form (see web page). Afternoon session open to the general public: free admission; invitations available at the information points of the Student Orientation Center from September 16; or the same day of the performance from 17h and until the beginning of the performance (while seats last). Talks by UC3M researchers: “AI in the construction of a European laboratory for cutting-edge experimentation in communications networks, by Carmen Guerrero, Dept. of Telematics Engineering at UC3M, SLICES-Madrid and SLICES project; ”Can we trust AI? A legal answer”, by Antonio Estella de Noriega, Dept. of State Public Law, UC3M, SOLARIS project; ‘Alice quantum and classical Bob have to talk’, by María Isabel González Vasco, Dept. of Mathematics, UC3M, NATO SPS G5985 project; ‘Detecting traffic accidents before they happen’, by Abdulla Al-Kaff, Dept. of Systems Engineering and Automation, NATO SPS G5985 project; ‘Detecting traffic accidents before they happen’, by Abdulla Al-Kaff, Dept. of Systems Engineering and Automation, NATO SPS G5985 project; ‘How to detect traffic accidents before they happen’, by Abdulla Al-Kaff, Dept. of Systems Engineering and Automation, NATO SPS G5985 project. Systems Engineering and Automation, EcoMobility project; “AI to analyze the impact of aircraft contrails on climate”, by Manuel Soler, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, E-CONTRAIL project. Theater: The world is in a mess. And society is very unhappy with how its politicians and institutions do not offer solutions to its real problems. But in the general election campaign, a new political formation that seems to be sensible and that gives an answer to the current challenges is bursting with force. Its electoral program seems to attract general consensus for being almost indisputable: impeccable in its diagnosis and effective in its proposals. But who is behind this new party? In the play “Democrac-IA” some young people comment on the current political situation of this fictitious world (although very similar to the real one) and they will have to decide their vote thinking about power, knowledge and technology. Directed by Alfredo Miralles. Text: Miguel Valentín and Alfredo Miralles. Original music and sound design: Pedro Fraguela. Audiovisuals: Cosmopussy. Actors training and staging: Laura g. Cortón. Cast: Theaomai Theater Company. With the support and funding of Centro DeJóvenes del Ayuntamiento de Leganés.

starting septembre 16 at 09:00
Email: oidci@uc3m.es
