UC3M | Talking to Science: revolutionizing biomedical research through the BioImage.IO Chatbot

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Viernes 27 de septiembre de 2024, de 19:30h a 20:30h.

Aula -1.A.04 del Campus de Madrid-Puerta de Toledo de la UC3M. Ronda de Toledo, 1, 28005, Madrid.


Discover how chatbots are changing the biomedical research landscape. In this talk, we will explore how the BioImage.IO Chatbot is transforming the way scientists analyze biomedical images and get fast, accurate answers, all powered by artificial intelligence and language models (or LLMs). Attendees will learn about the inner workings of the chatbot, from data collection to image processing and interpretation. Real-world use cases will also be presented that demonstrate how this chatbot can improve efficiency and accuracy in biomedical research, saving time and resources. In addition, a live demonstration will show how to interact with the chatbot to solve specific problems and obtain detailed information, providing a practical and educational experience for all participants. This activity is carried out in the framework of AI4Life (Artificial Intelligence for Image Data Analysis in the Life Sciences), a research project funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe program (GA 101057970) that seeks to bridge the gap between the development of artificial intelligence methods and their practical application in the life sciences. Through accessible infrastructure and specialized services, AI4Life provides pre-trained artificial intelligence models for image analysis, facilitating their adoption by scientists with no prior experience in advanced computing. It also fosters collaboration between the life science and computer science communities, promoting standards and providing opportunities for the development and implementation of new analysis tools. More information: https://ai4life.eurobioimaging.eu/

starting septembre 16 at 09:00
Email: oidci@uc3m.es
