Pablo Urrutia Cordero

Pablo Urrutia Cordero

About me

Pablo is PhD researcher at IMDEA Agua. Since the start of his career, he has focused on understanding main causes behind global biodiversity loss and its consequences for the provision of ecosystem services, especially by freshwater bodies. Recently, Pablo develops innovative research on how environmental stressors that act on the aquatic environment affect terrestrial biodiversity, such as pollinators (bees) and plant pollination. Furthermore, a very important branch of his research focuses on finding means to evaluate and increase the ecological stability of natural ecosystems in the face of environmental stressors. Therefore, to address these scientific challenges, Pablo acquired during his scientific career a very broad and versatile research experience in both aquatic and terrestrial disciplines. Before IMDEA Agua, he worked at the Universities of Uppsala, Lund, Oldenburg and at the Helmholtz Institute for Marine Functional Biodiversity (HIFMB) in both Sweden and Germany. In parallel, he collaborated in multiple projects of global relevance with the Global Lake Observatory Network, Europonds or the European Multi-Lake Survey, as well as with the public-industrial sector to support the management of freshwater resources using cutting-edge technologies.

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