The businessmentor madri+d certification helps to effectively promote your work as entrepreneurial mentor or program manager. (20 hours)
1st Edition: January 31, 2018; February 7 and 14, 2018
2nd edition: second half of April
3rd edition: second half of September
4th edition: first half of December
"Investment Readiness"
8 hours. Workshop composed of two 4-hour sessions to allow networking among the attendees. This course will allow entrepreneurs to understand the valuation criteria of the investment index of a Project for the Venture Capital industry.
1st edition: second half of February and first half of March (2 days - 4 hours)
"Investor Readiness"
4 hours. Workshop composed of one 4-hour session to allow networking among the attendees. This course will allow investors to gain a high level of knowledge on project viability, profitability and investment in technology projects.
"What I must know to successfully undertake"
4 hours. Workshop aimed at entrepreneurs with the aim of promoting entrepreneurship.
1st edition: second half of April
"Investment Hackaton."
6 hours. The aim of the Hackaton is for teams of entrepreneurs to acquire techniques on how to form a work team for new projects and thus promote entrepreneurship and allow the creation of new multidisciplinary teams.
1st edition: second half of January
2nd edition: first half of June
3rd edition: second half of September
"Workshop on proposals preparation"
4 hours. Workshop aimed at technology-based entrepreneurs who prepare their projects to present them in public with the aim of seeking capital investment partners, participation in projects and commercialization of their technologies.
1st edition: first half of February
2nd edition: first half of May
3rd edition: first half of September
4th edition: first half of October