

PlazaScience is the first world map of scientific institutions built by students, teachers, researchers and citizens interested in scientific activities. A place to explore and discover, to study and work in the science world. It is a collaborative project, which aims is to create a digital world map of knowledge sites through photo where participants will meet others users with the same interests, taking part of a network around places where researchers develop their work.

Map of Scientific Madrid 1900

Madrid: Science and City in the early 20th century

On a map of Madrid of 1901 (Leipzig: Wagner & Debes) are located more than 50 institutions and laboratories active in Madrid at the turn of the 19th to 20th century. Each of them offers a brief description and a selection of photographs, both historical and recent, of the building and its surroundings.


La Fundación tiene como objetivo contribuir a la mejora de la educación superior mediante informes de evaluación y otros conducentes a la acreditación y certificación de la calidad en el ámbito universitario, así como a la medición del rendimiento del servicio público de la educación superior conforme a procedimientos objetivos y procesos transparentes, considerando el marco español, europeo e internacional

En este sentido, la Fundación: