
Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the Foundation’s organ of governance, representation and administration and it shall exercise the functions corresponding to it subject to the provisions contained in the legislation in forcé and in the presente Articles of Association. In its actions, the Board of Trustees must conform to the precepts of current legislation and the will of the founder as set out in these Articles of Associaton. It shall be up to the Board of Trustees to comply with the goals of the Foundation and to administer property and rights making up its walth, fully maintaining therir returns and profitability.


  • D. Rafael Van Grieken Salvador. Consejero de Educación, Juventud y Deporte. Comunidad de Madrid

Vice President:

  • D. José Manuel Torralba Castelló. Director General de Universidades e Investigación. Comunidad de Madrid

Board Member:

  • D. Rafael García Muñoz. Subdirector General de Investigación. Comunidad de Madrid
  • Dª. Carmen García Galán. Subdirectora General de Universidades. Comunidad de Madrid
  • Consejería de Economía y Hacienda. Comunidad de Madrid (to be appointed)
  • D. Miguel Garrido de la Cierva. Confederación Empresarial de Madrid CEIM-CEOE
  • Cuatro Rectores de Universidades Públicas de Madrid (to be appointed)
  • Dos Rectores de Universidades Privadas de Madrid (to be appointed)
  • Director de Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados - IMDEA (to be appointed)
  • Representante del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (to be appointed)
  • Representante del Consejo de Estudiantes de la Comunidad de Madrid (to be appointed)
  • Un representante de los Consejos Sociales (to be appointed)
  • Un representante sindical miembro del personal docente e investigador (PDI) de las Universidades Públicas de Madrid (to be appointed)
  • Tres patronos expertos (to be appointed)



The Foundation shall have a Director designated by the Board of Patrons from among professionals of renowned prestige in the áreas of the subjects within the Foundation’s remit.

Currently the Director is D. Federico Morán Abad.