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The Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET) is the most important gathering of historians of economic thought in Europe. Together with the Annual Conference of the History of Economics Society (HES) in North America, it is the place to be for historians of economics who want to find out what colleagues are working on and to discuss with them. The 22st Annual ESHET Conference will take place in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid, Spain 7-9 June 2018). Particularly welcome are proposals of papers and sessions that fall into the ESHET 2018 conference theme: "Entrepreneurship, knowledge and employment".

Participation in the Conference is reserved to ESHET members. If you are not a member, you may join ESHET here.

For abstract submission, please, register as new website user (whether you are already member or not) and follow the instructions (in the top of this page you can find a "Login" and "Submit your paper" link). Note that you need to upload also the abstract as an anonymous file ("anonymous file to be uploaded") for the subsequent "blind" evaluation process of all the abstracts received. Young scholars should follow the instructions in the Young Scholars Seminar section of the website.

For session proposals, please, register the authors to the site and propose the papers individually and send to an email with the details of the session to be included in the program schedule.

REGiSTRATION to the conference will open after notification of abstract acceptance. You may register as a participant although not having an abstract accepted. To register you must log on to the ESHET2018 website. Then, the system will ask for membership verification in You can pay through bank transfer or registering to the online payment web.

The fees are:

  • Early Bird (before 18 April) : €180 for ESHET members / €70 for students
  • Late Registration (on or after 19 April) : €230 for ESHET members / €130 for students.

Conference fees include lunch on the 7th and lunch on the 8th, as well as coffee-breaks.

Conference fees do not include:

  • Gala Dinner: €70 
  • Cultural Activities: €15