Technology Valorization Services

Technology valorization represents the creation of economic and social value from knowledge and scientific capabilities. Valorizaton strategies for  scientific results are necessary to exploit research and increase the value of these results in order to facilitate effectively their transfer to the productive sector. Fundación para el Conocimiento madri + d provides technology valorization services in order to  support the  contribution of scientific results to economic and social development:

  • Competitive Intelligence Services, to assess competitive technologies, technology market and evolution, and relevant stakeholders for a specifici technology or technology sector.
  • Services for technology licensing: Licensing generates economic revenues and spreads the technology to a wider range of potential users and developers group acting as catalyst for additional comercial deals or developments. Identifying potential licensees is essential to inititate active marketing of a technology development.
  • Services  for Economic valuation of inventions: to assess the economic value of patents is essential for the implementation of the technology transfer process, in order to facilitate optimal positioning to negotiate a technology transfer agreement.
  • Services to Support Technology Transfer Process, to facilitate negotiations and agreements related to the achievement of marketing processes.