
ANNUAL FOOD AGENDA, inspiring consumers to take real food choices

An european consumer-centric initiative to encourage society to think about the food they eat and inspiring new generations raise consumers´ understanding to make informed food choices with added value to the consumer and the food system

The Annual Food Agenda is a communication project powered by EIT Food, a European Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), which receives funding from the European Commission body ‘EIT’. EIT Food was set up to transform our food ecosystem and it supports innovative and economically sustainable initiatives which improve our health, our access to quality food, and our environment.

The Annual Food Agenda is participated by 7 key partners including food industry companies, universities and research centers, coming from 3 european countries such us: Poland (Maspex and Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences) Spain (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid- IMDEA Food and Grupo AN) and United Kingdom (University of Cambdridge and PepsiCo).

Dive into the Food journey. From farm to Fork

The main goal of Annual Food Agenda is to engage consumers, encouraging them to think about the food they eat and acknowledging the entire value chain. This project wants to go beyond linking both healthy diets to an active and healthy life-style, as well as to a healthier planet, and hopefully, increasing food career-turning decisions, inspiring the new generations of future consumers to dive into the food journey.

This project is a consumer-centered initiative that develops a set of events to reach citizen insights, and to encourage public debate and interaction among the different food system stakeholders. Fostering the dialogue between academia, industry, producers and consumers in day-to-day environments, related and non-related to food, to raise consumers´ understanding of the food system.

Throughout this year, Annual Food Agenda organizes 32 thematic events across 3 countries; Poland, Spain and United Kingdom. These interactive events will inspire large numbers of people to dive into food topics, targeting the public, with particular focus on the younger population, food producers and food stakeholders.

Activities are designed to inspire debate and to foster dialogue between experts and consumers, using dynamics of co-creation to encourage exchange among academia, industry, producers and consumers in every-day environments.

The 32 scheduled activities are organized around four seasons, developing relevant topics for the future of food:

Jan-Mar - Season #Trusting in Food to rebuild consumer trust in our food system, through this block of activities will address citizens’ issues and concerns related to food authenticity, food contamination and food safety

Apr-Jun - Season #Food Trends & Future Consumers to encourage the public debate and to foster dialogue between academia, industry, producers and consumers to raise consumer’s understanding of the food system

Jul-Sep - Season #Healthier Nutrition to offer a broader knowledge on balanced nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits will enable citizens, especially younger population, to raise food engagement and to make informed food choices with added value to the consumer

Oct-Dec – Season #Food Sustainability these activities aim to raise consumers´ understanding on the impact of food production and consumption on the environmental footprint, promoting bio-economy solutions

About EIT Food

EIT Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, with the aim of creating a sustainable and future-proof food sector. The initiative is made up of a consortium of key industry players, startups, research centres and universities from across Europe. It is one of six Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC) established by the European Institute for Innovation & Technology (EIT), an independent EU body set up in 2008 to promote innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe.

EIT Food aims to collaborate closely with consumers to develop new knowledge and technology-based products and services that will ultimately deliver a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle for all European citizens.

About IMDEA Food Institute

The IMDEA Food Institute with the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) are part of the EIT Food consortium programe of the European Institute of Innovation (EIT) for the development of a Community of Knowledge and Innovation (KIC) whose objective is to lead a change in the food sector.

The members of the EIT Food com146munity are world-class players in the international food domain: over 50 partners from leading businesses, research centres and universities across 13 countries.

With this purpose, IMDEA Food is channeling its strategy through the program "Innovation and Communication for Precision Nutrition" that brings together researchers, innovation and transfer managers, communicators, to make scientific discoveries reach the industry and the population to promote a change in the Food Industry sector.

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