Serafina Amoroso

Serafina Amoroso

About me

Serafina Amoroso is a Senior Architect (from the Università degli Studi di Firenze, 2001), a PhD in Architectural and Urban Projects (from the Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, 2006), a Master's Degree in Advanced Architectural Projects (from the ETSAM, 2012) and a Master's Degree in Applied Research in Feminist, Gender and Citizenship Studies (from the Jaume I University, 2016). Her main lines of research have been refined over the years, until recently focusing on gender approaches and their relationships with space (urban and architectural) and pedagogical practices. Since September 2022, she has been an Assistant Professor in the Area of Architectural Projects at the Fuenlabrada School of Engineering (EIF) of the Rey Juan Carlos University. His main hobbies are reading, photography and traveling

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