Lara Bejarano Muñoz

Lara Bejarano Muñoz

About me

Biologist graduated from the Complutense University of Madrid, specialising in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine. Currently, working at Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas-Margarita Salas (CIB-CSIC), in the Microbial Systems and Protein Engineering group, as part of the team and researching on revalorisation processes of lignocellulosic waste and plastics through the use of enzymes, mostly from fungi, in order to apply them in the improvement of environmental and industrial processes. Currently, I am working on the CO2SMOS project: Production of advanced chemical products from biogenic CO2 emissions in the framework of the bioeconomy. In addition to research, another of my concerns is education, which is the reason why I am a qualified science teacher at E.S.O and Bachillerato levels. In my free time, I love watching series, reading and I enjoy going out with my friends.

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