Nura El Khouri Vidarte

Nura El Khouri Vidarte

About me

I am Nura El Khouri Vidarte and I am doing my doctorate at the Royal Botanical Garden-CSIC with amoebas. The truth is that I haven't always known what I wanted to do. In fact, in high school I wasn't sure whether to go for science or literature. I loved both literature and biology. And in the end here I am. It is true that I have always been interested in nature conservation, but being as indecisive as I am, I have also been jumping from one field of study to another because they all seem so amazing to me that I didn't know which one to choose. I have gone from studying human behavior, to selling birds, and now to carrying out molecular and ecological studies of amoebas. I am starting my scientific career with great enthusiasm, but I also really enjoy traveling, books, cooking (and eating), and plans with my friends and family.

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