Ángela Aguado Lara

Ángela Aguado Lara

About me

am Ángela Aguado Lara, I studied a degree in Biology and a master's degree in Conservation Biology at the Complutense University of Madrid. My scientific interest focuses on elucidating biogeographic patterns and evolutionary biology applied to biodiversity conservation. I began studying the spatio-temporal patterns of plant species that underlie the subantarctic islands, specifically those belonging to the South Indian Ocean Biogeographic Region. Currently, I am a predoctoral researcher and my thesis focuses on the phylogenetic and biogeographic reconstruction of EDGE (Evolutionarily Unique and Endangered) taxa, with special attention to the Afrotropical family Euphorbiaceae. Finally, I collaborate with the IUCN to assess the extinction risk of some of the focal species and establish conservation priorities using the EDGE criteria. In my free time I like to travel with my friends and climb.

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