Ulises Alfonso Gómez Pinedo

Ulises Alfonso Gómez Pinedo

About me

Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences with a focus on Neuroscience. Currently, I am part of the research group at the Instituto de Neurociencias, IdISSC, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, where I am responsible for the neurobiology research laboratory. My position is Senior Researcher, and my studies have focused on four closely related areas: a) Cell therapy in the CNS. b) Adult neurogenesis. c) Pathophysiological mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases such as PD, ALS, and MS. d) SARS-CoV-2 and neurological disorders. My area of expertise is the development of experimental models of cerebrovascular pathologies, neurodegenerative diseases, and in vitro models, as well as extensive knowledge and handling of electron microscopy techniques, confocal microscopy, stereology, generation of in vitro and in vivo experimental models, molecular biology, transfection, and cell culture. I have closely collaborated in the development of preclinical trials, which have enabled the development of clinical trials in cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke. Reviewer and editor of international journals. My hobbies or activities outside of work include hiking, spending time with my family, cooking and of course eating!!!, my pets, and helping as much as I can in work aimed at the personal improvement of social groups in difficult situations

More info:
https://www.idissc.org/grupo-de-investigacion/enfermedades-neurologicas/ https://www.neuroclinico.com/investigacion/linea-de-investigacion-de-bases-moleculares-de-la-neurodegeneracion-y-neuroregeneracion-en-enfermedades-neurologicas