Alois Karl Kuhn

Alois Karl Kuhn

About me

Alois Kuhn is a Doctor of Natural Sciences from the University of Tübingen, Germany (1995). He joined the CEU San Pablo University in 1995 and is currently Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy. His research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of new materials useful for lithium and sodium batteries. He is the responsible for the metal ion battery research line of the ESYMAT research group at Universidad CEU San Pablo.

He has directed four doctoral theses with the highest qualification and another four are in development. He is the author of 74 scientific articles in indexed international and national journals and has 4 patents. He has participated as a speaker in 24 invited conferences and more than 100 communications in national and international conferences. He is member of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry and of the German Society of Chemistry. He has received the Ángel Herrera best research awards (2004 and 2020) and best teaching award (2020) from the San Pablo CEU University Foundation.

In his free time, he is interested in developing and improving new beer recipes, and a lover of astronomy.

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Alois Karl Kuhn