Manuel Avella

Manuel Avella

About me

Asturian by birth, I have a degree and PhD in Physics from the University of Valladolid (Uva) since 2000.
I have always been focused on the characterisation of materials, as well as the development and adaptation of different instrumental techniques focused on this characterisation.
My field of expertise is electron microscopy techniques as well as other microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. I started with semiconductor materials and nanostructures focused on electronic, optoelectronic and photovoltaic applications. Later on, I expanded to other types of materials and applications: ceramics, minerals, metallurgy, biological samples and biomaterials, food, archaeology, heritage restoration, etc.
Since February 2019 I am the Lab Manager of the Electron Microscopy Laboratory at IMDEA Materials.
I am a great enthusiast of scientific dissemination, of all kinds and fields. I have collaborated -organising or participating- in different outreach events such as Naukas, Pint of Science, Science Fairs or workshops for primary and secondary school students.
Music (it is easy to find me at concerts) and travelling are other of my great passions, to which I dedicate as much time as possible, whatever science and life allow me.

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