Carmen Lorenzo Rodriguez

Carmen Lorenzo Rodriguez

About me

Hello! I'm Carmen Lorenzo, a passionate environmentalist whose professional journey began in Primary Education. Although I thoroughly enjoyed both my studies and teaching, I soon realized that my true passion lay in the environment. At that moment, I decided to pursue a higher degree in Forestry and Natural Environment Management, which I completed at Doñana National Park. Since then, my interest in the care and conservation of flora and fauna has been a constant, and I am very proud to have participated in various projects aimed at their protection, both inside and outside the park itself. Thanks to all this training, a new interest emerged: Environmental Education, a field in which I have also trained and worked, combining my knowledge in education and the environment. Currently, I work in a laboratory where we focus on soil conservation, which allows me to stay connected to my love for nature and discover a new world that enables me to learn every day.

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