Beatriz Jiménez Prieto

Beatriz Jiménez Prieto

About me

Hello! I’m Beatriz, a laboratory technician, biologist, and a passionate science enthusiast. This passion emerged during my training in the Higher Degree in Laboratory Analysis and Quality Control when I immersed myself in the study of medical chemistry. It was there that I discovered research (and circular centrifugal chromatography), and I decided to keep exploring the world of science by studying a degree in Biology. In this field, I had the opportunity to work with birds, both in the wild and in captivity, studying their habits and behaviors. The fascination I had for animals since I was a child grew so much that I decided to specialize by pursuing a Master’s in Zoology. I couldn’t stop learning more about the species we share the planet with! Nowadays, I am part of the Sustainable Agriculture and Biogeochemistry group at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Madrid, where I’m exploring a new field: soil study. This challenge allows me to see how everything in nature is interconnected, and I’m excited to discover new perspectives. Outside the lab, I find peace in watercolor painting. My love for life and all its forms is reflected in my illustrations, where I capture beauty and diversity. As a scientist, I spend my time exploring and studying the natural world, always carrying a notebook and my watercolors to record my observations and bring my discoveries to life.

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