Francisco Martín Rico

Francisco Martín Rico

About me

Francisco Martín is a University Professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University, where he leads the Intelligent Robotics Lab. He teaches subjects such as Software Architectures for Robots, and Planning and Cognitive Systems. He is the author of the book "A Concise Introduction to Robot Programming with ROS 2" and is a member of the ROS 2 Technical Steering Committee. He is the author of PlanSys2, the symbolic planning reference software for ROS 2, and is a contributor to other reference packages such as rclcpp, Behavior Trees, and Nav2. He currently participates in several European and national projects, since his group is an international reference in ROS 2, navigation for mobile robots and planning. He was awarded the Best ROS Developer award at the ROS Developer Day in 2022 and was a member of the ROS 2 TSC.

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