Marcelo Fraile Narváez

Marcelo Fraile Narváez

About me

Hello! I am Marcelo Fraile, Coordinator of the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture at the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC), where I teach subjects related to Computer Systems Applied to Architecture and Architectural Representation. I received my PhD in Architecture from the University of Buenos Aires, specializing in Biodigital Design. In addition, I have a master's degree in Conservation and Rehabilitation of Architectural Heritage from the National University of Córdoba and a postgraduate degree in Digital Design.
My research work focuses on the use of new digital technologies in representation and digital fabrication in architecture. I have participated in various R+D projects and presented my work at numerous scientific events. I am also a founding member of the TRP21 research collective and the journal of the same name.
In my free time, I enjoy exploring new digital tools for artistic creation, whether through drawing or modifying AI-generated images. I like music, especially rock, and whenever I can, I try to disconnect by running or doing some creative activity that allows me to free my mind.
If you want to know more about my work or collaborate on a project, don't hesitate to contact me!

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