Miguel Fernández García

Miguel Fernández García

About me

I was born in 1991 and I am currently a PhD Collaborating Professor at San Pablo CEU University in the area of Genetics, Department of Basic Medical Sciences and Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for Metabolomics and Bioanalysis (CEMBIO) of San Pablo CEU University. Graduated in Pharmacy in 2015, Interuniversity Master in Drug Discovery in 2016, Master in Advanced Bioinformatics Analysis in 2021 and PhD in Health Science and Technology in 2021, my career has focused on various computational aspects at the interface between chemistry and bioinformatics. Currently, my research focuses on how metabolomics and lipidomics can help advance the field of microbiology through the discovery of biomarkers of infectious diseases, the metabolic mechanisms associated with them, and the chemical characterisation of microorganisms. I have completed several pre-doctoral stays related to analytical chemistry (Utrecht University, NL 2014; INTCF 2021) and microbiology (Microdish B.V., NL, 2014 and Africa Health Research Institute, 2021). He is author of 11 publications in medium and high impact journals addressing different methodological studies on metabolomics and tackling through metabolomics the study of bacterial, parasitic and fungal pathogens causing disease in humans. Outside of work, I have two great hobbies: nature and music. I love to getaway to nature and to play music.

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