Luis Manuel Gallego Manzano

Luis Manuel Gallego Manzano

About me

Luis Manuel Gallego Manzano graduated with a degree in Health Biology from the University of Alcalá (UAH) in 2022. In 2024, he completed his Master’s degree in Health Analysis at the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM). In June of the same year, he returned to the University of Alcalá with a Research Assistant contract linked to the Research Consolidation Incentive Project. After his initial work in molecular oncology and precision medicine for lymphomas, as well as the study of antioxidant compounds in neurodegenerative diseases and cancer, he is currently part of the "MINYNANOTECH" group at UAH, under the supervision of Professor Beatriz Jurado and Professor Alberto Escarpa. Immersed in the project "Biotemplate micromotors with intelligent behaviors: bacteria fighting bacteria," he embarks on what may become the foundation of his future doctoral thesis, which will focus on the development of nanotechnological strategies for the diagnosis, treatment, and inactivation of biofilms in bacterial diseases. Beyond research, his main hobbies and interests include philosophy, hiking, writing and playing the piano.

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