Estrella Veiga Zarza

Estrella Veiga Zarza

About me

Graduated in Psychology from Rey Juan Carlos University in 2017, with training in methodology and neuroscience after completing the interuniversity master's degree in Methodology of Behavioral and Health Sciences at the National University of Distance Education in 2020 and the master's degree in Neuroscience at the Autonomous University of Madrid in 2022.

I began my predoctoral work in the area of Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience in 2021. My doctoral thesis project focuses on studying the neural bases of preference changes motivated by cognitive dissonance. In my lab, Brain, Affect, and Cognition (CEACO), we record and analyze behavioral and electroencephalography data. Our primary focus is on studying the interaction between attention and emotion.

As for hobbies, I love traveling, playing chess, and, most of all, climbing.

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