Javier Otero Martínez

Javier Otero Martínez

About me

PhD student at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) in the Communications Group of the Department of Signal Theory and Communications. After graduating from the Polytechnic University of Madrid in 2019, I have continued my education with the Master in Telecommunication Engineering and Advanced Communications (2021) at UC3M. Since then, I have continued my research on fluid antennas until today. Specifically, this is a novel type of antennas for which new liquid materials are used at room temperature. Thus, we expect to find advantageous applications and use cases applied to new generation communications systems. That is why, together with my interests in communications and signal processing, I have been acquiring some background in materials and fluid mechanics that allow me to continue researching in an interdisciplinary way. Besides that, I have been studying music since I was a child, which I consider my main hobby.

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