Iacopo Tirelli

Iacopo Tirelli

About me

Iacopo Tirelli is an Italian researcher at the Department of Aerospace Engineering of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). His thesis focuses on the development of machine learning algorithms to improve the resolution and accuracy of particle-based flow measurements, as well as to provide uncertainty estimation, under the guidance of Professors Stefano Discetti and Andrea Ianiro. He graduated in Aerospace Engineering in 2020 at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. He has participated in international conferences and published in scientific journals. Currently, he is part of the ERC NEXTFLOW project, collaborating with foreign organisations such as VKI and TuDelft. He has completed a doctoral stay at von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (Brussels, Belgium). His interests include football, Formula 1, video games, movies and TV series.

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