Ana Tajadura Jiménez

Ana Tajadura Jiménez

About me

Ana Tajadura-Jiménez is a senior lecturer working in the areas of human-computer interaction, virtual reality and neuroscience in the Department of Computer Science at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and the University College London Interaction Centre. Ana is passionate about sensory and wearable technologies that promote people's physical and emotional health. The research in her i_mBODY lab ( focuses on the design of these technologies and the use of sensory stimuli to alter people's perception of their own body. This research has led her to be named ‘Future Research Leader’ in 2012, by the UK's Economics and Social Research Council, to receive the Banco Sabadell Foundation award for Science and Engineering in 2021 and to receive funding from the European Research Council to consolidate her research through the BODYinTRANSIT project ( Graduated in Telecommunication Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, she obtained a Master's degree in Communication Systems and Digital Technologies and a PhD in Applied Acoustics from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. Ana is very committed to the public dissemination of science and to showing the role of women in science and technology. She has participated in events such as Women TechMakers and the Women in Virtual Reality meeting, as well as other forums such as the European Researchers' Night, Science Week, the Science Museum and the Tate Modern, Wellcome Trust and Barbican galleries in London. In her spare time Ana enjoys travelling, the mountains, cinema and spending time with human and non-human friends.

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