Belén García-Delgado Giménez

Belén García-Delgado Giménez

About me

Accredited as a Full Professor by ANECA (2023) and two six-year research periods granted by the CNEAI. PhD with European Mention from the University of Salamanca. Graduate in Documentation and also in Hispanic Philology from the University of Salamanca. Master's Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language from the Menéndez Pelayo International University. Member of the research groups: (GIR) E-LECTRA: Electronic Editing and Reading, Automated Information Transfer and Retrieval (USAL), as well as Suade: digital rhetoric (UE). In addition, she is IP of the UEM research group: Education and critical thinking: the challenge of integrating them into student training, as well as of the project 'Promoting critical thinking through images' financed by Banco Santander and the European University Foundation. She teaches applied documentation and social research methodology at the European University of Madrid in the degrees of Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and International Relations since 2007, as well as Language and Spanish for foreigners. Her lines of research are: reading, sources of information and teaching innovation. From 2011 to 2021 she was the degree coordinator for the Journalism degree at UEM, and for 2 years she was Academic Manager of the Faculty of Arts and Communication of the European University of Madrid for student exchanges abroad (incoming and outgoing). She has also worked as a documentalist for 3 years in different libraries and documentation and research centers.

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