Paloma Aivar Mateo

Paloma Aivar Mateo

About me

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology since 2020 in the Department of Pharmacy and Nutrition of the Faculty of Biomedical and Health Sciences of the European University of Madrid. She has a degree in Biochemistry from the Autonomous University of Madrid (2003) and completed her doctoral thesis in Dr. Villarroel's laboratory at the joint center Biophysics Unit-CSIC of the University of the Basque Country, studying the molecular mechanisms of membrane trafficking of KCNQ2 channels (2008).

Joined the faculty of the European University of Madrid in 2014, she has extensive experience as a teacher in the area of ​​biochemistry and molecular biology for different degrees including: Pharmacy, Biomedicine, Nursing and Biotechnology. As principal investigator, she has led two teaching innovation projects, recognized at an institutional level and at national and international conferences on educational innovation. In 2017, she received the 2nd Teaching Innovation Award for the activity "Integrated learning of basic and procedural nursing sciences through the study of a clinical case in a simulated environment". In 2022, the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM) awarded her the award for the best educational poster for the work "Development of the STEAM model in the teaching and learning of Basic Health Sciences".
Her research experience has always been linked to the area of ​​neurosciences and focused on the molecular bases and circuits of neurodegenerative diseases such as epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. She is co-author of 12 scientific articles and has participated in more than 10 projects, having received recognition for 2 six-year research periods by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ANECA). She is currently a member of the research team of Dr. Miguel Díaz Hernández at the Complutense University, who leads research focused on identifying the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative processes in order to try to find new effective therapeutic strategies to combat these diseases. Committed to scientific dissemination, she participates in several initiatives such as DNA Day, the Day of Women and Girls in Science or the Dissemination Project: MADRIDNIGHT- Madrid+d Foundation with the workshop “Researching Alzheimer's”.

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