José Luis Esteban Penelas

José Luis Esteban Penelas

About me

Officially recognised Researcher by the Ministry of Education and Science (Spain), he is the Founder and Director of the Official Research Group AIR LAB CITIES (Advanced Architecture International Research Laboratory of Cities), where he is developing projects of megacities for the 21st Century (Korea, China Europe). Curator of the Pavilion of Spain (Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam, 2005); Curator of the Meta City Pavilion (Architecture Biennale of Shenzhen -Hong Kong, 2013); Guest at the Architecture Biennale of Venice (Swiss Pavilion, 2014), Guest at the Architecture Biennale of Shanghai (2015), Curator in Madrid Pavilion (Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism). selected at the Venice Biennale (2023).
He has been invited both as Professor and lecturer in Barcelona, Seville, Madrid, Seoul, Tongji University Shanghai, Tsing Hua University Beijing, Berlin, Bogota, Genoa, Paris, Milan, Trento, London, San Diego USA, Mexico, Master in Landscape, School of Architecture Polytechnic University of Madrid (1989-2002), among others.
He is the author of many articles and writings, amongst which the following books can be highlighted: “Superlugares: los Espacios Inter-media” (2007), “Architectures XXI Century” (2007), “Building the Future City” (2009), “Air Lab Cities. Architectural Design and Urban Planning” (2014), “Parque Juan Carlos I. La Puerta de Madrid” (2017) or “Universos Líquidos. Gotas de Lluvia. Metodología Avanzada para un Metapensamiento del Proyecto Arquitectónico” (2018), with the latest theories and thoughts for the development and planning of new Uban Spaces, Landscapes, and Metacities of the XXI Century. He has been published in “The Metapolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture” Actar Ed, “World of Environment Design. Nature Conservation and Land Reclamations”, “Parchi. Europa 1985-2000” F. Motta Ed., “Madrid New Architecture” Madrid Collegeof Architects Ed., “Uffice” Architecture Tools F. Motta Ed., “L’Architecture d’Aujourdh’hui”, “El Croquis”, “Topos”, “Arquitectura”, among others. His teaching and research work has been developed in parallel to his professional work, being unitarily understood.
In 1992 he established his office of Architecture and Urbanism “PENELAS ARCHITECTS”, a creative infrastructure of thought and production, for the design, development, and construction of architectural projects and buildings, urbanism, landscape, engineering and environment, which includes different disciplines of Architecture, Landscape and Urbanism. He was the Responsible Architect of Urban Design and Urbanization Projects in the Madrid Council (1989-1999)
His projects have been internationally published and exhibited in more than 20 countries, having received more than fifty national and international awards and acknowledgments, amongst which the following can be highlighted: 1st Prize in the International Competiton of 7 bridges in Shanghai, 2015. - 2nd Prize in the International Competiton by invitation to 7 teams (only Spanish participant) for a Master Plan for a new city in Saemangeum (South Korea, 35km by 35km), 2008. - 1st Prize in the competition for the New Auditorium in Madrid, 2007 - Honourable Mention in the Madrid Council’s Prize for Architecture and Urbanism for the project “Metamadrid. Supercluster”, 2007 - First Prize ex aequo in the International Competition for the New Silk Road Park, in Xi’An (China), 2006 - 2nd Prize in the International Competition for the Pavilions for the International Exhibition of Zaragoza, 2008 - 1st Prize in the Competition for Pradolongo Park, Madrid, 2002 - II Biennial of European Landscape Architecture, Plaza for the National Museum of Modern Art Queen Sofia, Madrid, 2001 - 1st Prize Competition for Elderly People’s Residence, Madrid, 2001 - Madrid Region Quality Awards for Architecture, for the Mediteranean Flora Museum and Greenhouse, 2001 - Madrid Council’s Prize for Architecture and Urbanism for the Plaza for the National Museum of Modern Art Queen Sofia in Madrid, 1998 - Triennial International of Milan for Public Space Architecture, selection for the Juan Carlos I Park in Madrid, 1997 - Triennial International of Milan for Public Space Architecture selection for the Plaza of the National Museum of Modern Art Queen Sofia in Madrid, 1997 - II Edition of Prizes for Young Spanish Architects for the Juan Carlos I Park, Madrid, 1992 - II Biennial of Spanish Architecture (1991-92) for the Juan Carlos I Park in Madrid, 1992 - Madrid Council’s Prize for Architecture and Urbanism for the Juan Carlos I Park in Madrid, 1992 - Madrid College of Architects' Urbanism Prize for the Juan Carlos I Park, 1992
His most outstanding works are: Juan Carlos I Park (220 Hectares, Madrid), Plaza for the Reina Sofia’s Modern Art Museum (Madrid), Flora Museum and Greenhouse (Madrid), Urban design of Lavapies Centre District (Madrid), New Pradolongo Park (Madrid), Master Plan for the new city of Saemangeum (35 km long and for 5 million people) (South Korea), 7 Bridges and Landscape Design (Shanghai), Master Plan for Residencial Areas ( Ecuador), Elderly People’s Residence (Madrid), Analysis Laboratories (Seville).
He is currently developing projects in Spain, China, Korea and Latin America.

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