Isabel Pardo Mendoza

Isabel Pardo Mendoza

About me

Since I obtained my degree in Biotechnology, I have been interested in developing biocatalysts, using protein engineering and rewiring of bacterial metabolism, for the revalorization of complex and recalcitrant residues such as lignin and plastics. I did my PhD at the Center for Biological Research (CIB-CSIC) in Madrid, followed by a 3-year postdoc at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado (USA) and a 1-year postdoc at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability in Copenhagen (Denmark). In 2021, I returned to CIB-CSIC, where I started my research line to convert conventional plastics into more sustainable materials thanks to bacteria. Outside the lab, I like to travel, play video games, and spend time with my two cats.

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