Paloma Alcorlo Pagés

Paloma Alcorlo Pagés

About me

I am Associate Professor at the Department of Ecology of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. I work in three lines of research: the first one related to the description of food webs using stable isotopes in wetlands, extreme saline ecosystems and paleodiets; the second one, related to the analysis of the effect of different fishing gears on marine biodiversity in Natura 2000 protected areas; and the third one, linked to the study of the impact of global change (impact of exotic species, land use change, climate change) on aquatic biodiversity in wetlands.
I love to carry out innovative activities in my teaching and to spread the importance and values of aquatic ecosystems, so threatened and necessary to maintain our well-being and happiness.
I really enjoy going out to the countryside to work with my colleagues or hiking with my friends and finishing with some good tapas.

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