Belén Montero Palmero

Belén Montero Palmero

About me

I currently work as an Associate Lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy at CEU San Pablo University, where I teach various subjects related to Plant Biology, Plant Physiology, and Plant Biotechnology. Additionally, I am involved in research within the Plant-Microbiome Interaction Biotechnology group at CEU San Pablo University. Our main goal is to enhance plant adaptation to biotic and abiotic stress conditions by applying beneficial bacteria, known as Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria (PGPBs), as substitutes for chemical pesticides and fertilizers. I collaborate on several research lines, studying the physiological, metabolomic, molecular, and transcriptomic responses of plants affected by abiotic factors such as drought and salinity, with the aim of improving agricultural production.

I am also interested in “domestic science” and the art of communicating scientific knowledge.

More info: - Instagram @poweringplants