Carolina González Riaño

Carolina González Riaño

About me

 Carolina González Riaño is a lecturer in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department of the Pharmacy Faculty at the San Pablo-CEU University. There, she combines teaching Instrumental Techniques and Chemical Analysis with internal and external research projects at CEMBIO. She holds a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from the Complutense University of Madrid (2014) and earned her PhD with honors in Health Science and Technology from San Pablo-CEU University (2018). Her primary field of study focuses on developing and applying advanced analytical techniques in metabolomics and lipidomics to uncover the pathophysiological mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases and tuberculosis. Over the past 10 years, she has specialized in various analytical techniques, including liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and capillary electrophoresis coupled with mass spectrometry. Carolina is also passionate about live music, photography, and animals.

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