Sara Moreno Talavera

Sara Moreno Talavera

About me

Developing her PhD student in the Centre of Metabolomics and Bioanalysis (CEMBIO) at the Faculty of Pharmacy (CEU-San Pablo University).

Sara Moreno Talavera studied Chemical Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid. During her years of study at the university, she had the opportunity to delve into the field of Analytical Chemistry. Subsequently, she completed a Master's in Drug Discovery at the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of Alcalá de Henares, and the CEU San Pablo University. Currently, she is fortunate to be able to develop her doctoral thesis at CEMBIO. Her main line of research focuses on simultaneously and complementarily studying the main characteristics of the hepatic metabolome in an acute model of systemic inflammation (sepsis).

Sara Moreno Talavera is a girl passionate about food and nature. She enjoys both eating and spending time outdoors surrounded by her family and friends. Additionally, she is an enthusiast of series and movies, and she enjoys spending her free time playing chess.

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