Patricia Vázquez Pérez

Patricia Vázquez Pérez

About me

Assistant Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Faculty of Medicine.
PhD. in Pharmacy from the UCM, and from the beginning of my career I have focused on aspects related to diabetes from a molecular, biochemical, and cellular perspective. During my postdoctoral stage in different research centres such as the CIB Margarita Salas or the IIb Alberto Sols-Monrreale, I have been involved in different research lines such as the role of autophagy in a neural context, or in projects related to diabetes, studying pancreatic development or the importance of different adipose tissues in relation to this pathology. Furthermore, for many years, I have participated in multidisciplinary projects in micronanotechnology (CIB Margarita Salas), in collaboration with groups of physicists (CNM-IMB, Barcelona) and chemists. In adittion to teaching and research, I love traveling and enjoy outdoor and mountain activities with friends and family.

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