UC3M | Technological developments to communicate with our cells

Full capacity


Sábado 30 de septiembre de 2023. Dos sesiones: de 10:00h a 11:00h; y de 11:30h a 12:30h

Parque Científico de la UC3M. Parque Leganés Tecnológico, Av. Gregorio Peces Barba, 1, 28919 Leganés, Madrid.


When we make decisions, run, heal a wound, or beat our hearts, millions of cells work collectively to enable us to perform our functions. We think of these biological processes as complicated physicochemical systems that are difficult to understand. However, these cells can be understood as "little people" that develop their functions on a microscopic scale (remember that animated series "Once upon a time the human body"). Just as we run more easily on a running track than on the sand of a beach, cells will also do their jobs better if their environment is friendlier. In this visit to our laboratory, we propose future solutions to control the environment of our cells and be able to guide them. During the visit, we will carry out tests with intelligent materials (magneto-active) in different experimental equipment, we will print these materials in 3D and, finally, we will use them to stimulate cells! This activity is carried out within the framework of 4D-BIOMAP (Biomechanical Stimulation based on 4D Printed Magneto-Active Polymer; Biomechanical Stimulation based on Magneto-Active Polymers by 4D printing) a project funded by the European Research Council (European Research Council) to through an ERC Starting Grant from the European Union Research and Innovation Framework Program, Horizon 2020 (GA 947723). More info. In addition, this activity is carried out in collaboration with the Young Academy of Spain.
