World Soil Day - Pollution travels from our homes to our farmlands

Full capacity


Lunes, 4 de diciembre de 10:20 a 11:20

IES Francisco de Goya. Madrid


The activity consists of a 1-hour talk and debate, given by Dr. Ana de Santiago Martín, researcher from the Soil and Water Quality group. The talk is about the importance of soil in our society, how pollutants reach farm fields from our homes and how soil can naturally attenuate them. Some results from the FatePharM and Nat4Health projects will be reported. - Nat4Health “Antibiotics, hormones, persistent and mobile organic contaminants and pathogens, the complex mixture in agriculture and livestock scenario. Risk to health or natural attenuation?”. Project PID2020-118521RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033. - FatePharM "Irrigation of crops with surface water contaminated with pharmaceuticals and trace metals: natural attenuation or health risk?". Project CTM2017-89995-R funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ and ERDF A way of making Europe.
